Hispanic Commission


The Delaware Hispanic Commission’s accomplishments since its inception in 2011 include:

Governor Jack Markell Signs SB 59 into law.

In 2015, Governor Jack Markell signed SB 59, which allows for an undocumented immigrant to apply and to obtain valid driving privileges in Delaware, into law.

  • The DHC developed and implemented a bilingual six-week statewide pilot program on “How to Do Business in Delaware.” 70 participants graduated and continue to work with our business partners. The program was adopted and is run by First State Community Loan Fund.
  • More than 500 people attended the second annual Latino Summit at the Chase Center on the Riverfront in Wilmington in 2014.
  • The Delaware Department of Transportation’s Division of of Motor Vehicles released a driving manual in Spanish.
  • In partnership with the Be Our Voice campaign, the DHC held community conversations across all three counties to increase voter registration. The campaign encouraged non-eligible voters to get involved and support voters by getting them to the polls.
  • The DHC actively participated in the Senate Joint Resolution 4, which established the Education Funding Improvement Commission to conduct a comprehensive review of Delaware’s public education system and make recommendations to modernize and strengthen the system. The advocacy and partnership with various organizations led to the passage and signing of SB 56, which expands and makes permanent supports for low-income students and English learners, as well as the establishment of the Opportunity Funding Oversight Committee by Governor John Carney.

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