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Hispanic Commission

Nancy Lemus

Photo of Nancy Lemus

Nancy Lemus is foremost the parent of a young man with life-sustaining care needs and uses medical equipment to maintain life. As a mother of a child with a disability, Nancy has had to learn to navigate the complex health system by necessity. She has advocated for and on behalf of people with disabilities. She has helped other families find resources and understand the health system, and she has even assisted with providing special chairs to children in Mexico.

Nancy works as a full-time server in the hospitality industry in the Northern Delaware area. She is also a certified medical and community Spanish language interpreter and is a volunteer interpreter for the Make-a-Wish Foundation. Nancy serves on a variety of boards, including the University of Delaware’s Center for Disabilities Studies, Delaware Family Voices, Family Shade, EPIC, the Delaware Disability Council, and the Graduate of Partners in Policymaking.

In 2016, Nancy was a recipient of the Delaware Hispanic Awards for advocating for better healthcare services for people with disabilities and their families.

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